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Finished First Edit

I finished the first edit of the video, this edit is a performance cut that I did on adobe for the rest of the group, and now I only need to layer the shots of the photoshoot over the top and then it will be finished, however, the performance aspect of the video looks good and is finished

I will add in the video here

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  1. Hi Harry

    Please can you upload the cut here ASAP. It would be really helpful if you could explain some of the decisions you have been making. to demonstrate your understanding of the process. This would also help you later on when you need to examine the editing process in essays. Please can you try to include more detail in your posts - when they are only a sentence or two long they really restrict how well you are able to demonstrate your understanding and involvement in the process and this will limit your marks. Another option would be to record your work in another media form on the blog, but it needs to get there one way or another! Here are the parts of the mark scheme that you will struggle to access with such minimal posts (each of these should be satisfied in order to reach 16/20 or above.

    Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed.
    There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation
    There are excellent communication skills.
    There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
