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Editing Workshop (1)

For editing our clips, we used the software adobe premier. Adobe premier is used in a lot of productions that range from low budget youtube videos to big budget blockbusters such as ‘Deadpool’ (2015). The editing software is intuitive and everything that is needed is always on screen due to the four segments on the screen. No matter how good any software is, it still has the potential to crash and in turn delete any unsaved work. The reason the golden rule of editing is to constantly save is so that if the software does crash, all the work isn’t lost, as it has been saved. The way that they cater for the time consuming task of finding the save button is by adding short cuts, so to save your work quicker, you have to press ‘cmd + S’ this saves your work with minimal effort, which means you won’t need to re-edit lost scenes.

Footage/rushes/daily’s are the unedited footage that has been filmed. After the footage is uploaded to the editing software it is put in the rushes folder, if you enter the rushes folder, you will find the footage. The reason that the footage is called rushes is because when they used to film everything on rolls of film, after the day of shooting, they would be ‘rushed’ to be developed for the next day, this is why the footage is called rushes in England. In America however, rushes are called daily’s as the film would be developed in a day, so a daily would just mean that the film was developed in a day.

A cutting tool cuts a piece of footage at a chosen point, if the editor wants the scene to be broken up, he will use the cutting tool to cut the footage into different pieces this allows an editor to shorten certain points of the footage or if they want modified speed in a part of the scene and on either side of the modified speed they want normal speed, they can separate the part they want to modify with the cutting tool and edit the speed. The short cut for the cut tool, is ‘cmd + X’

In and out points mark the beginning and ending of footage. Once reviewing the rushes, if you want to start the scene at a specific moment of the footage you press the ‘I’ button on the keyboard which marks an in point. If you want the footage to end at a certain place, you press the ‘O’ on the keyboard, this marks an out point which means the footage will end there. If you combine the two you can finish and begin the scene in the perfect place to get the best timing for the scene.

+ and - in premier means zoom in and zoom out, this allows you to get a better view of the selected section of the software, so if you want a zoomed in view of the time line, you’d press the ‘+’ button on the keyboard. The timeline is a part of the software which allows you to see the order of rushes in the scene that you are editing, the timeline also is where you put the sound that you want to use in the scene, it also is where you place the media, they are put in the same place so that you are able to edit the footage to the sound easier.

One of the four sections of adobe premier is the preview. The preview allows you to view what you have edited, this is important as if one of the scenes are out of place you are able to view this through an audiences point of view so that you can see if anything is wrong with the footage or editing. Another section is the bins. The bins is where all the rushes are stored, the reason that they are called bins is that when all filming was filmed with film instead of digitally, after the footage was developed, they were put in large cylinders that looked like bins for storage, so all the rushes are stored in bins. Another section of the software is the timeline. The timeline allows you to put the rushes into an order, it is also where you add in any transitions. The last section of the software is the rush viewer, this allows you to see a singular rush, it also is where you do any in and out points. The undo short cut exists so that if you have made a mistake, it is easily corrected, the short cut for it is ‘cmd + Z’, for example if you are editing and by accident delete a piece of footage, if you press undo, the piece of footage will be back to where it originally started.

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