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Pitch Feedback

I presented my potential ideas for our music videos for my A2 coursework, after the presentation, I listened to feedback of my idea from my peers. The feedback I received was mainly to do with how the set would look as in the studio, there is limited resources, and making a set look realistic within the small space on next to no budget is almost impossible.

What I learnt from pitching the ideas was that there are many constraints in the production which I need to register and not let my imagination run wild as there are realistic constraints in place. One of the songs that I chose was very well known, therefore, it may not be a good idea to use the song, The song in question being 'fell in love with a girl' by the white stripes, and told that if you look on any top rock artists list, they will be there, however, i have looked through many and they haven't been on any of them. Another thing that I was told to look out for was imitation of previous years coursework with my 1920s idea for the caravan palace song, this is due to a group who was A2 last year doing a song by the same artist and as the band has a very distinctive style, I will have to look out for ways of making sure that the idea looks as original as I intend for it to be. Another point that was brought to my attention was that I intended to have a dancer for one of my ideas ('how did we get so dark?' by royal blood) however, the song is a fairly heavy rocky to which one of the dancers in my class pointed out that would be extremely difficult to choreograph and may that a choreographer may not be able to show the style of the song through dance, therefore it is likely that the dance in the song will not be there, that means I will probably need to rethink the song choice. I learnt also that the most popular of my ideas is the 1920s idea and the white stripes idea, for the white stripes song idea, I need to do the animation where it looks necessary and not cheesy and rethink the bar idea as getting a bar for a set and being able to fill it up is probably unlikely, for the Caravan Palace idea I want to stylise it to how Baz Luhrmann styled 'The Great Gatsby' (2013) and make it big and bright with a modern twist though.

These pieces of constructive criticism from my peers will guide me in changing my production so that it can be as believable as being a real music video as possible. Story rethinks on one of them is in order and set design for others will be a key part on making the video look professional. Also some tutorials for after effects would be helpful for the 'fell in love with a girl' Idea.

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  1. Hi Harry

    Great effort on the write up here, you have identified LOTS of important points from the feedback, well done. I have two suggestions to try to help you communicate a little more clearly on the blog: 1. Is break the post up into sections according to different ideas - here you could have split up into a section relating to each idea and then perhaps a final summary of next steps. 2. Include images that demonstrate the points that you are making, for example you mention a 1920s style video that you have looked at, put in a screen grab to show the reader what it looks like. You mention the list of top rockers, again you could screen shot that to make your point.

    No need to re edit this post, just some thoughts for future ones! Well Done, I was particularly pleased to see the post incorporated more detail than previous ones.
