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Put Into Groups and 2 Final Ideas

We got put into our groups that we will be working with for our A2 coursework. My group consists of Olivia, Emily and Katherine. We started the session by creating a WhatsApp group chat so that we have an easily accessible location to talk about ideas for the music video. After we created the group chat, we set about starting deciding an idea for the music video, the group quickly discounted my ideas, however we eventually/reluctantly settled on an idea of a waiting room fight scene, however with much deliberation we changed it to different people carrying out small trivial tasks and they are linked by the fact that they are in the same band. 

The idea changing was something that we were told to expect, this is due to multiple people working together so each idea that is said should be respect and at least taken into consideration by the group.

We also decided on a back up idea which is one themed around objects in the room levitating and a singer & band in the middle of the levitation playing the song, it would be hyper stylised with rain going back towards the sky and other cool imagery like that. The idea however, was quickly discounted as we don’t have a big visual effects budget and it would be impossible to make without it looking cheesy and fake.

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