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Final Edit

The final edit is now complete, after the fist edit was complete and I showed it to Matt he pointed out to me that I hadn’t grouped the shots together and gave me an ultimatum, to start again or to change the order and the lengths of each shot, however, the latter would be more time consuming so I had to start again from the beginning, this slightly disheartened me, however, it was a necessary step in the development of the video.

I started the video again, devoting a lot of time and effort to the edit. I made special care to group all of the shots together so that the video made more coherent sense and many a rough cut later, created a video that I was rather proud of, showed it to Matt and sent me on my way saying that it  was finished.

I learnt from the editing experience was mostly to group the shots together, and the experience of having to start again is something that cemented it in my mind. The grouping of shots is when a shot shows the same person doing the same action from a different angle and allows extra time with a specific person in the band and creates a more natural transition to another band member. Another lesson that I learnt from the editing, was how to use the software and colour grade, a lot of the photography shoot rushes had a yellowish tint to them, thus making the background look yellow when it was meant to be white, so in post, I changed the white balance of the shots to make the background look white which made the shots look more realistic.

Final Edit is still to be embedded

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