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Welcome To A2

Last year, we did our thrillers, we had a long time to plan them, which gave us room for error, however, during the A2 year the planning is done in a much shorter period of time, therefore there is not much room for error, however, when we made the thriller, it was our first time going through the process, and now that we have had time to make mistakes and practice, it should make our groups more efficient. Overall,

Last year in Media, I feel i did well, however, cannot be sure until the results return, the main problem last year was with the written exam, therefore, I spend more time on that in the A2 course and improving how I answer the questions and try to the best of my ability to memorise the theorists.

This year, instead of thrillers, we are doing music videos, therefore, it will be more complicated in the production as there are elements of editing which are different in music videos to thrillers, therefore, the group and I will have to learn a completely different way of editing where instead of it being dialogue, the editing will be done to a beat in the music.

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