The setup for the music video shoot started at three. The time was spent painting wooden boxes to use for the photography shoot setting. I myself as well as painting the boxes had to head into the local town to pick up food for the cast and crew on the day of the shoot.
The day started off in a typical manner for a shoot day as we predicted, we were able to predict this due to our experience with our AS-Level thriller opening sequences, which taught us how to act and what to do on the shoot. We got the actors ready and after many times of Olivia reminding to bring the outfits that the cast need, she, herself, forgot the costume. This delay didn't cause us to start late as we hadn't finished setting up the day before so we finished that and by the time we had finished, Liv was back, the cast was ready and we were prepared to shoot.
At first, we decided to film the performance aspect of the song, this is due to that fact that if anything bad happens throughout the day and we are unable to use some of the footage, we will have the performance videos to edit, this assures that we have a plan B incase anything goes wrong. In the studio, filmmakers are relying on the fact that everything work and will work though out the entire shoot, however a light could blow or the filmmaker could break the camera, and in the eventuality of the unlikely event of that happening you have shots that you can use as a safety.
The Studio looked very simplistic, yet was a very nice aesthetic being minimalist, it consisted of the band, the instruments, a black backdrop, and a circular grid of spotlights for the first set. For the seconds set, we used a vanity mirror, an infinity loop and multiple coloured boxes, this was to give it a photography shoot styling. I believed this deviated from the original concept, however, in a good way, the final product will end up as more of a performance video instead of the behind the scenes video we originally thought, however, it may be for the better.
We gave each other fixed roles in which we had to stick to on the shoot day, Emily was the floor manager, Olivia was the director, Catherine was the photographer and I was camera operator.
I think that my camera work was good, some of the shots looked really nice and on some of the takes, I ended up directing as well as filming, so, I think I took charge well in moments when the situation was in need of it.
There was only one main problem on the shoot day and it was over a very trivial issue, this issue being the positioning of a food table, Olivia wanted it in the shot and I did not, we came to a compromise of moving its positioning, so I sneakily moved it out of frame and filmed around it as it looked severely out of place in the setting of the music video.
I wish on the shoot day, that I would've been allowed more creative control as the dictation of what I needed to do even though I disagreed was annoying, however, I was always able to argue my own side and sometimes they would see my point of view and sometimes they would shut my views down.
I think we managed the actors well, they were well behaved all day and seemed to be enjoying it and at the end of the day they all thanked me and the crew for them being a part of the music video.
I enjoyed working with the blackmagic the most, I was happy to be behind a camera again and actually film something properly again and being able to be the mediator between director and audience.
I'm looking forward to seeing how the tracking shot turned out on the big screen as it is one of the only shots we used the track for and while filming I thought it looked really good.
As a team, even with the quarrels, we worked well as a team, and managed to tolerate each other even when we were sick to the teeth of the other members by about lunchtime, we managed to pull through to the end of the day and pat each other on the back and congratulate eachother for making the video.
I think if I came into the shoot with the mindset that everything about your idea can change in an instant as it did with the music video shoot, so be prepared for change but advocate to stay true to the original idea
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