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Tension Within a Thriller

The story of Allegiance is that four criminals go on a job to do something illegal which isn't specified throughout the whole video. The job that they go to do begins to go downhill fast and one of the criminals gets shot. An argument quickly breaks out between two of them and a lot of blame storming about who's fault it was that the plan went wrong.

The characters we were introduced to were the four (assumed) bank robbers who were not named, but there were three men and one woman, also at the end of the thriller, one man is briefly shown in a sinister manner which leads the viewer to guess that he is the antagonist of the story.

Tension was created within this opening sequence firstly in the opening when the criminals were communicating on their walkie talkies and then the fear in their voices built to a crescendo of fear starting at slight nervousness then building to panic. It is then continued by the movement of the hand held camera that was used, that created an effect of fast paced action and created a sort of point of view video which made the story more immersive and tense. The quick transitions creates tension as it makes the scene feel fast and energetic.

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